Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.

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Children’s classes offer a sustainable system for child education that will keep pace with both the growing concern among parents for their youngsters to develop sound moral structures and the rise in human resources in the community. Children are the most precious treasure a community can possess, for in them are the promise and guarantee of the future. 


In neighbourhoods around the world, children come together to learn about spiritual qualities. In an open and joyful environment, children of all cultural and religious backgrounds explore how these qualities influence their own conduct and their wider society. The classes range in size from the children of a single family to many kids from a neighbourhood. Anyone is welcome and the classes are free of charge.


Classes are taught by youth teachers. The children's class teachers are also part of an educational process that includes training and accompaniment as the work with the children in their classes. The youth assist each other to serve their communities.

Lesson Topics include: Purity of Heart, Justice, Love, Truthfulness, Generosity, Joy, Thankfulness, Forgiveness, Helpfulness and Kindness.

Each class includes methods that are effective for children:

  • Stories

    1. Reading Comprehension

    2. Vocabulary Exercises

    3. Songs

    4. Memorizing Quotations

    5. Cooperative Games

    6. Art and Colouring